
Camping This Summer? Buy Wood Locally to Protect the Environment

It seems with increasing frequency we are hearing reports about invasive species and the effect they have on natural ecosystems.  Where there is human activity, invasives are likely to be found.  Fort Ticonderoga is no exception and has its share of invasive exotics such as shrubby honeysuckle and garlic mustard.  Once sought-after garden plants, their […]

Installing “Bullets & Blades”

The installation of a new exhibit is a large task.  A previous blog has highlighted the work the museum has done to clean and prepare the weapons for exhibit.  That is only one small part of the exhibition construction process. Many weeks were spent constructing mounts for the objects.  Because each object is different, it […]

In Search of Historic Plants

Creating a garden or recreating an historic garden is a constantly evolving process. Since restoration of the King’s Garden began in 1995, careful research has guided the garden’s curators to restore it as closely as possible to designer Marian Coffin’s Colonial revival-era scheme. Over 100 annuals and perennials are listed on Coffin’s plan which is […]

Construction Details of a Small Sword

While cleaning weapons in preparation for the new upcoming exhibit Bullets & Blades: The Weapons of America’s Colonial War and Revolution, we had the rare opportunity to completely disassemble an American small sword; a sword made by the Boston, Massachusetts silversmith William Cowell, Jr. (1713-1761), ca. 1740-1760. (The pommel of the sword was loose and […]