
Beautiful Brassicas

Brassica refers to a genus of plants in the mustard family, sometimes refered to as cole crops or cruciferous vegetables.  A few examples are cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale and broccoli.  These crops are important sources of vitamin C, fiber, and other micronutrients that support good heatlth.  The military gardens at Fort Ticonderoga in the 18th century included generous […]

New Clues to Fort Ticonderoga’s Past from Old Photos

From time to time people donate old pictures of Fort Ticonderogato the museum.  This often happens when people are sorting through the possessions of passed love ones seeking to disperse a lifetime of accumulated effects.  More often that not, the photographs are undated and loosely organized.  Occasionally, however, there is information associated with the images […]

Children’s Garden Design: The Sunflower House

Common name:          Sunflower Botanical name:          Helianthus annuus Family:                        Asteraceae Plant type:                   Herbaceous annual Blooms:                       Late summer to autumn The sunflower is native to the Americas. There is evidence that it was grown domestically as early as 2600 B.C. in Mexico.  The large flower heads consist of showy outer ray flowers and fertile disc flowers that mature into […]

Mounted Soldiers in Brown’s Raid

As Fort Ticonderoga prepares to re-create Colonel John Brown’s September 18th, 1777 raid on Fort Ticonderoga, a nagging, or perhaps neighing, question keeps coming up.  Were there mounted men among Colonel John Brown’s force of militia and regular continental soldiers? An answer question would not radically change the exact progress of events, but it certainly […]

Fort Ticonderoga’s Art Collections and Exhibition

Fort Ticonderoga is well known for its 18th-century military collections and vast library and archival collections, but few people realize that it preserves an important art collection as well.  From the very beginning of the museum’s collecting endeavors, obtaining art in the form of portraits of people associated with the site’s history, depictions of events […]

“The accommodations are first class but limited” Fort Ticonderoga’s Little-Known 19th-Century Hotel

Fort Ticonderoga is best known for its military structures and associated history, but what many people do not realize is that the site played a very important role in the history of 19th-century American tourism.  Once steamboat travel became the principle mode of transport on New York’s northern lakes, Fort Ticonderoga became the location where […]