Two Month Countdown Begins to 250th Anniversary of America’s First Victory of the American Revolution

Three days of events May 9-11 will allow public to relive the capture of Fort Ticonderoga by Benedict Arnold, Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys “No Quarter!,” a series of once-in-a-lifetime historic reenactments and events running from May 9-11, will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the pivotal capture of Fort Ticonderoga. At the very […]

#OnThisDate – Connecticut’s Allegiance in Early 1775: Loyal to the King—For Now

On this day 250 years ago—March 11, 1775—Britain and the American colonies were not yet at war, but war was drawing nearer. Since the end of the Seven Years’ War in 1763, colonial militias continued to muster as required by law and appoint officers as needed, but didn’t see much active service. As tensions grew […]

#OnThisDate, February 10, 1775, Captain Delaplace Reports an Incident

#OnThisDate As he commanded Fort Ticonderoga and Crown Point, Captain William Delaplace, of the 26th Regiment of Foot, kept up regular correspondence with Governor General of Canada, Guy Carleton, and Commander in Chief of British Forces in North America, General Thomas Gage, among many others. In January 1775 Captain Delaplace sent a packet of letters […]